Nonverbal Communication Skills for Blind Children

Help your child master effective nonverbal communication.

Think about a potential employee who does not turn to face the interviewing panel as they speak. Imagine someone joining a recreational club to make friends but expressing disinterest or unapproachability through their body language. Last, envision a young adult on a date who stands uncomfortably close to their romantic interest because they have never learned cultural norms around personal space. Effective nonverbal communication is beneficial in all social settings.

Head-To-Toe Listening

Your grade-schooler may find it easiest to learn respectful and friendly nonverbal communication by learning the communication role of each body part, head to toe. This can be labeled “head-to-toe listening.” Here are the basics to teach.

  • Head: Your head, while upright, should be directed toward the speaker and can occasionally nod in agreement.
  • Eyes: Eye contact is made or appears to be made. To avoid looking too intense, you can look away occasionally.
  • Mouth: If the conversation is positive, light-hearted, or friendly, don’t forget to smile! A genuine smile is warm and inviting. It helps to brush and floss after a meal. If in doubt, ask a good friend if there is any food in your teeth!
  • Shoulders: Shoulders are held upright, exuding confidence and alertness.
  • Arms: To emphasize a comfortable and confident self, arms should be by your side instead of crossed over the chest.
  • Hands: People generally use their hands while they speak. The goal is to emphasize important words without distracting from the spoken message. Hand movements should be relatively firm instead of loose or too stiff. Repetitive hand movements are generally distracting.
  • Legs: Stand at least one arm’s-length distance from the speaker with a comfortable, shoulder-width stance. Two people in conversation rarely stand directly in front of one another but usually angled toward one another.
  • Feet: Feet angled 45 degrees towards a speaker indicate interest, while feet angled away suggest a desire to walk away.

Teaching Nonverbal Communication

Here are some practical methods for teaching proper nonverbal communication.

  • Role-play situations as a means to instruct and provide practice. You can read an example of role-playing a first impression and related discussion questions in the nonverbal communication lesson plan.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to practice in safe environments. One example, expecting your child to order her meal at a restaurant, is found in the nonverbal communication lesson plan.
  • Help your child identify potential careers based on their interests and strengths. Assist your child in developing opportunities to speak with others in their desired career fields. Help them connect with their career goals with the need to learn nonverbal communication skills to the career. Read the public speaking lesson plan for more detailed information.
  • Teach your child the importance of showing authentic concern and respect for others. Help her understand the typical, positive results of effective nonverbal communication.
  • Instruct your child to set goals for nonverbal communication.
  • Give your child opportunities to teach nonverbal communication to others.
  • Take your child to a variety of social settings and describe the nonverbal communication you witness. For suggestions, read the analyses of social situations lesson plan.
  • Perhaps most effective, allow a trusted classmate to model and assist your child in the process of learning nonverbal communication. Read the modeling and feedback from a sighted peer lesson plan.

The previously mentioned lesson plans and more are free resources from the APH ConnectCenter.